The term “guerrilla” implies combat, conflict, and rebellion, but when you add it to marketing, then it makes many people think about it. Today, we’ll discuss what is guerrilla marketing; its various types, strategies, benefits, and examples.
What is Guerrilla Marketing?
Guerrilla marketing is a type of marketing that employs unconventional techniques and strategies for the promotion of a brand or product. Businesses and companies implement guerrilla marketing campaigns online, offline, or both.
You can say that it is an alternative to other traditional marketing channels like direct mail, billboards, TV commercials, and print media. The focus of guerrilla marketing is disrupting public activities, events, and spaces with a unique image that makes people buy their products. Usually, GM depends on interacting with people in urban areas in order to make a bigger impact on a limited budget.
The popularity of guerrilla marketing has been increasing since the early 2000s, and it has recycled many new ideas. In order t attract the attention of customers nowadays, the ideas must be unique and creative. The ROI (return on investment) of digital marketing is increasing because you know the location of customers where they are.
According to an estimate, approximately 90% of US people have been using the internet for the past decade. The amount of time they spend online surfing is increasing, and it has reached to roundabout 6 hours a day. The main objective of guerrilla marketing is to amplify brand awareness over the digital media platform.
Statistics about Guerrilla Marketing
It is difficult to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of guerrillas marketing campaigns. However, some of the statistical figures about the unconventional promotional approaches that companies employ are as follows;
- The guerrilla marketers invest 90% less money on traditional advertising because of employing the unconventional approaches
- 27% of the German marketers employ unconventional approaches for the promotion of their brands
- Approximately 54% of the customers make their decisions based on the word-of-mouth marketing
Types of Guerrilla Marketing
Some of the main types of guerrilla marketing are as follows;
Undercover Marketing
It is a type that employs a hidden sales pitch and markets its products t to potential customers without letting them know that you’re advertising. The purpose of this type is to create a buzz around the particular community of the product.
Ambush Marketing
It is a very risky strategy; it comprises interrupting the event organized and sponsored by some other brand. For instance, a company is sponsoring a mega sports event, and the competitor company starts offering prizes to the participants and announces the winners. It allows the competitive firm to profit from the efforts of the sponsoring company.
Ambient Marketing
It is a very popular form of marketing strategy; it comprises implementing eye-catching imagery in an unexpected public place. It happens completely offline, and not over social media platforms; its focus is on shocking and surprising the target customers.
Experiential Marketing
It is a type comprised of creating a particular situation where your target customers have a great experience and connect with something that symbolizes your company. The focus of experiential marketing is to develop a strong connection between you and your target customers.
Some of the other types of guerrilla marketing strategies are as follows;
- Pop-up Retail
- Wild Posting
- Grassroots
- Astroturfing
- Projection
- Ambient
- Stealth or Buzz
- Viral Marketing
Strategies & Tips for Guerrilla Marketing
Some of the main tips and strategies for Guerrilla marketing are as follows;
Focus on Limited Small Group
Instead of launching the guerrillas campaign over the entire market, your focus should be on the small segment of the target customer market. It allows you to develop a better relationship with your target customers and derive better results from your campaign. It has proven to be a very effective strategy.
Concise & Consistent
You should develop a concise message, and it should be consistent with it. The focus of the guerrillas campaign is to attract the attention of target customers and provoke them into taking some type of action.
Giving Samples
Giving samples is important for your campaign for two reasons. First, people the idea of getting things for free; secondly, they feel that it is obligatory to buy the product after using the free sample. Here, marketers manipulate human psychology by tying them with favor. When you offer something for free to your target customers, then you should make sure that it should be useful and valuable, so that the customers would like to buy it from you later.
Stickers & Posters
Stickers and posters are very efficient and cost-effective strategies. You can offer customers catchy stickers, and they would use them and show them to others. It becomes more effective if you post stickers and posters in public places like on the wall, on pavement, and on the sculpture. Be careful with it, they shouldn’t be annoying, hateful, and against the law.
Pop-up Shops
Pop-up shops comprise setting up a temporary store somewhere in a crowded place. Its focus is on attracting the attention of target customers and deriving sales. However, if you’re planning to open a pop-up shop, then you should select a very unusual and crowded public spot.
Benefits of Guerrilla Marketing
Some of the main benefits of guerrilla marketing are as follows;
- Partnerships: guerrillas campaigns are difficult to pull off successfully, and they need the collaboration of various businesses and companies. It allows you to establish a partnership with other businesses and companies.
- Developing Emotional Connection: it appeals to the emotions of your target customers, and it allows you to develop a strong emotional connection with your customers.
- Differentiating from Competitors: the guerrillas campaigns allow you to differentiate yourself from the competitors with the unique and unconventional marketing campaign
- Brand Awareness: it focuses on creating a buzz about your campaign and spreading brand awareness in the meantime. Such unconventional strategies are like fuel to your campaign fire.
Examples of Guerrilla Marketing
Deadpool Movie
The team of Deadpool movie launched a funny guerrillas campaign. They created the tinder profile of the film’s superhero; the description of the superhero in the profile and flirting pictures were so funny that reflect the mood and tempo of the film. The Deadpool film achieved a lot of success due to its unique guerrillas market campaign.
PETA (people for the ethical treatment of animals) is a non-profit organization that launched a harsh guerrillas campaign against clothing brands to raise their voices against animal abuse and exploitation. The company posted posters across Toronto city with the slogan of “Canada Douche” and a picture of the trapped arctic fox.
Conclusion: What is Guerrilla Marketing? Types, Benefits, Strategies, Examples
After an in-depth study of what is guerrilla marketing; its types, benefits, strategies, and examples; we have realized that guerrillas campaigns could be very effective for your product or brand promotion. If you’re planning to launch this strategy, then you should follow and practice the abovementioned tips and suggestions.

Ahsan Ali Shaw is an accomplished Business Writer, Analyst, and Public Speaker. Other than that, he’s a fun loving person.