Blue Apron Holding Inc. is a recipe-meal-kit and ingredient-providing American company. Ilia Papas, Matt Salzberg, and Matt Wadiak founded the company in 2012. Today, we’ll discuss the SWOT analysis of Blue Apron; it outlines strengths and weaknesses; opportunities, and threats that the company has to face; as a business strategy analysis example company.
The products and services portfolio of Blue Apron
- Cooking menu recipe kit
- Wine service
- Healthy diet tips
Subsidiaries of Blue Apron
- BN Ranch
- Blue Apron Market
Parent Company of Blue Apron
- Wonder Group
Statistical facts and figures of Blue Apron
- Annual revenue: 458million USD (2022)
- Employees: 165
- Market: USA
Competitors of Blue Apron
- Plated
- Sunbasket
- Gobble
- Market Spoon
- Home Chef
- Purple Carrot
- Green Chef
- Hello Fresh
The SWOT analysis of Blue Apron would analyze the internal strengths and weaknesses of the company; and external opportunities and threats that the brand has to face. Here’s Blue Apron SWOT analysis as a business strategy analysis example company as follows;
Strengths of Blue Apron
Some of the main internal strengths in the Blue Apron SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows;
Pioneer Brand
Blue Apron is a unique brand of its type that only focuses on providing cooking recipe guides to customers. There are many food brands running businesses in the retail chain, but none of them provide the recipe kit for their menu. However, the unique business approach makes Blue Apron the pioneer edge in the food recipe and menu-kit market.
Variety of Menu Options
Blue Apron offers a great variety of food menu options in its recipe kit. In fact, customers and food lovers can find the recipe for any type of food that they like. The growing healthy dietary trends are complementary to the growth of the company; because they’re promoting the idea of idea of self-cooking and home meals.
Online Platform
Blue Apron has developed an online web platform and mobile application to provide more convenience to customers. The company follows the paid subscription model and it helps the company to earn revenue and cover its cost and expenses.
User Network
Blue Apron has established a network of approximately 8 million monthly active users and scribers. It is a great growth rate for the unique and pioneer business model.
Detailed Guide
Blue Apron provides a great detail of recipe and cooking guide to the customers. Their easy cooking recipe and detailed guide would make anyone cook and prepare a tasty meal for themselves at home. Most importantly, they don’t have to spend extra money on hotels and restaurant menus; because they could cook the same quality meal at home.
Weaknesses of Blue Apron
Some of the main internal weaknesses in the Blue Apron SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows;
Online Ordering
A vast majority of customers order their meals online due to their tough life and busy lives; they don’t have time to cook meals for themselves. They would either visit any nearest food stop or order online, rather than cooking meals for themselves.
Expensive Subscription
The food menu recipes and cooking guide tutorial videos are easily and freely available online on YouTube; why the customers would pay for the menu kit? Professional chefs and cooking lovers would pay for the menu kit because they want to learn new styles of cooking; but not the ordinary users.
Opportunities for Blue Apron
Some of the main available opportunities in the Blue Apron SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows;
Market Expansion
Blue Apron should expand its business and web platform outside of the US. The international market holds great growth potential and it would help the company to increase its revenue, market share, sales, user network, and profitability.
Portfolio Expansion
Blue Apron should consider adding new items to its portfolio like paid video tutorials, cooking guide tips, and cooking classes. It allows the company to tap into a new set of customer markets and amplify its reach with new services.
Strategic Alliance
In order to increase its market influence, Blue Apron should develop a strategic alliance with the world’s leading chain food brands; especially healthy and organic food brands. It allows the company to increase its sales and network with strategic alliances.
Threats to Blue Apron
Some of the main potential threats in the Blue Apron SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows;
Tough Competition
Blue Apron is facing tough competition from the retail chain food brands and online food delivery service providers. They have earned a significant portion of the customer market share with higher growth rates and higher profitability.
Raw Food Ingredients
The cooking guide and menu kit of Blue Apron require raw food ingredients. Some of them are easily available and the others aren’t; their collective cost is much more than a single order meal. However, it pushes away many new users and customers; because they want an easy solution.
Conclusion: Blue Apron SWOT Analysis Example Company |SWOT Analysis of Blue Apron |Business Strategy Analysis
After an in-depth study of the swot analysis of Blue Apron; we have realized that Blue Apron is the world’s leading recipe menu-kit-providing American company. If you are learning about Blue Apron SWOT analysis example company; then you should keep in mind the abovementioned internal strengths and weaknesses; external opportunities and threats as brand strategy analysis.

Ahsan Ali Shaw is an accomplished Business Writer, Analyst, and Public Speaker. Other than that, he’s a fun loving person.