What Makes a Good Marketing Campaign? Top 15 Elements

 The success of the market and advertisement campaigns relies on various factors. Some of them are internal, external, controllable, uncontrollable, and manageable. Today, we’ll discuss the top 15 elements of what makes a good marketing campaign.

What Makes a Good Marketing Campaign? Top 15 Elements 

Let’s discuss the top 15 elements of what makes a good marketing campaign, and they’re as follows;

Well-Defined Target Market

First of all, you should define your target customers, it is better to go into the details of understanding your customers. You should know whether they’re aware of your company or the type of products you’re selling. It is advisable to create a list of questions that your customers would ask before buying your offer, and you should know how to answer them.

Clear Goals

Before launching the market and advertisement campaigns, you should know your expectations from the campaigns and the things you plan to achieve. Whether your goal is to generate more leads, attract new customers, engage with the current ones, increase brand visibility, high web traffic, or amplify the sale of your product or service.

You should set tangible, realistic, and measurable goals and objectives for your campaigns. They would help you to know whether you’re moving in the right direction or not.

Customer Persona

You need to take all the time you require to create your target customer persona (a virtual image) with all the traits that you would target. The customer persona comprises all the details like interests, hobbies, age, location, goals, size, business, and income. The customer persona would help companies to create such content that would attract the attention of customers.

Understanding Customers’ Needs

While developing the message for the customers, you should understand the needs and wants of customers. Marketing and promotion aren’t only about achieving your goals and objectives; it is also about your target customers and offering them something valuable. For instance, you have created the best purple widget, but your customers don’t know the usage and application of the purple widget and they won’t buy your product.

Sales Funnel Stages

It is significant to know your target customers and where they’re in the sale funnel. For instance, if your target market comprises of cold audience and they’re at the stage of brand awareness. You can say that they’re at the top of the sale funnel stage. If they’re well aware of your brand, product, and service; then they’re at the lower stage of the sale funnel where follow-up ads would be sufficient to remind them.  

Long Term Vision

Hiring a good market and advertising agency is only a short-term solution, and it is not going to focus on the KPIs and ROIs. Your company’s focus should be on long-term goals and outcomes. You should focus on the right questions to ensure that you’re moving in the right direction.

Aligning Message & Values

You need to align your campaign’s message with the company’s core values. If it is not linked, then your market and advertisement campaigns won’t work. However, customers’ focus is not only on buying the product and company’s practices, but they also care about the values that it stands for.


In order to achieve your goals and objectives, you should allocate a specific amount of budget that you would invest for your market and advertisement campaigns. You should add different types of costs in the budget like promotion, time of running, required internal and external resources, and the actual campaign.

Good Content

After goal setting, understanding target customers, and budget allocation; next you should create content for your campaigns. It is not easy to come up with creative content. You should study the top campaigns of competitors, it would give you many new ideas. You don’t have to copy your competitors; instead, launch your own creative campaigns different from competitors.

Customer Engagement

You need to encourage your customers to participate in your campaigns. In order to amplify their participation and attract their attention, you should offer a special prize for their motivation. It is advisable to employ catchy infographics, pictures, videos, and visuals to amplify participation.

You should make their participation in the form of a game, a fun, and playful activity. You should ask them to play a memory game, solve a quiz, or some other type of game relevant to the company’s campaigns.

Valuable Offer

After listening and watching to your campaign’s message, customers won’t buy your product. You should use the campaign to show your authority, and expertise, increase brand awareness and introduce your product or service in the market. The CTA (call to action) plays a significant role; you should offer them free products with a unique customer experience so that they would like to inquire about more information and buy your product.

High Probability of Going Viral

You should make your advertisement easily sharable, it would amplify the target customer’s reach. Some of the top ideas for making the campaign go viral are as follows;

  • Igniting customers to start a dialogue relevant to your campaign in the form of pictures, videos, comments, or share
  • Customers could easily share your ad and invite others to see it
  • Motivating users to share your ads on social media platforms and offering them rewards

Campaign Promotion

When it comes to approaching your target customers, you should employ the right channel and promotional campaigns. You should run the campaign in such a way that everyone could see it. Some of the top campaigns ideas are as follows;

  • Updating your profile picture on social media platforms relevant to the campaign’s message
  • Allocating some money for social media advertisement
  • Publishing a press release
  • Sending an email to all of your subscribers by promoting an image of your campaign

Measuring ROI

After running the campaign, you should know how to measure the performance of your campaign. For instance, the impact of CTA, the total number of leads you get, and the new subscribers; you should collect and analyze data in order to draw some conclusions from it. It would allow you to make some changes in your campaigns and build better campaigns afterward. There are various online tools with metrics and KPIs available to measure the ROI of your campaigns.

Keep Things Flowing

After developing a relationship with your customers, next, you should nurture and maintain the relationship with them. Keep tracking the performance on various media channels, send them relevant offers and information, and develop personalized campaigns message.

Conclusion: What Makes a Good Marketing Campaign? Top 50 Elements 

After an in-depth study of the top 15 elements of what makes a good marketing campaign; we have realized that running successful campaigns requires a lot of effort. If you want better results from your campaigns, you should keep in mind the abovementioned tips and guidelines.

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