When it comes to writing the job description and job specification for a particular post or position, it requires a lot of information and data collection from various sources in order to prepare something solid. Today, we’ll discuss what is job analysis in HRM; its importance, its components, and how to conduct it.
What is Job Analysis in HRM?
Job analysis is the process of gathering information systematically about the particular job relevant to processes, responsibilities, roles, requirements, and skills for preparing the job description. It focuses on studying physical, emotional, and human characteristics that are necessary for executing the job successfully.
Job analysis plays a significant role in making sure that the company has chosen the right person for the job. It helps HR managers in various ways like benefits, choosing compensation, performance management, selection, and recruitment. However, employees get a clear image of the requirements that the employer is looking for and expecting from them to do.
Job Analysis vs Job Description
The job analysis is the process of collecting information from various sources about a particular job. The information is relevant to skills, knowledge, and capability to perform your job effectively. However, it is a very good way of preparing a job description.
The job description comprises the job details in terms of power and officers, duties, responsibilities, and functions relevant to the job. Job analysis comprises examining and evaluating the job deeply, and the job description is the characteristics and traits of the job.
Importance of Job Analysis
Planning of Manpower
Job analysis focuses on the needs of manpower in a qualitative way and it tries to find out the requirements of the job relevant to human characteristics, qualities, and skills. It helps the company in dividing the manpower or labor based on their field of expertise.
In order to recruit a person for the job, you should know the detailed requirements of the job and the traits the person should in order to perform the job. You can get the information from the job description and job specification, and it allows the company’s management to tailor job requirements relevant to the employee’s interests, skills, and attitude.
Training & Development
JA finds out the standard levels of job performance and it works on introducing the learning and development programs for employees.
JA sets the standards for the evaluation of the job. The goal of job appraisal is to find the relative value of the job and develop a compensation plan for the job.
Performance Appraisal
The data of JA offers you clear standards of performing the job. They allow you to evaluate the performance of every employee based on the job standards.
Job Design
Many industrial engineers would employ the information of JA to design the job by studying various elements of the job.
Health & Safety
It’s the responsibility of management to make sure the health and safety of every employee by taking preventive measures and lowering the risk factor by removing harmful and hazardous conditions.
JA follows the effective policies of the company, and the company should develop its policies relevant to transfer and promotions.
Employment Guidance
JA helps managers to develop the job description, and it helps you recognize the nature of the job, its qualities, and requirements in terms of skills and capabilities.
Labor Relations
JA also assists managers to resolve disputes and conflicts in the workplace relevant to the performance quality that the company expects from them.
Components of Job Analysis
Job Position
An employee holding a certain position or playing a particular role in the company is the job position. The position and status of the job set the foundation of the benefits and compensation system in the company. However, the return of high job holders at the higher position is higher than the lower ones.
Job Description
Every situation in a certain position is different from each other and it requires different levels of knowledge, expertise, experience, responsibilities, and tasks. It comprises detailed responsibilities, roles, duties, and tasks on how to perform the job.
Job Worth
It’s the process of calculating the value of your work in the company. We can say that job worth or value is the estimated contribution of the job role in managing the overall goal of the company.
How to Conduct Job Analysis
Gathering Information
You should interview and observe the current employees, and encourage them to be specific while performing their duties and responsibilities. It is better if you read the manual explaining the roles and responsibilities of their current position. After reading it, you should make a comparison between what the job description says and what they’re actually doing. You should keep on recording the result of every position and every department, and account for the tasks and skills involved in performing the job.
Evaluating the Significance
After recognizing the needed skill set to perform different tasks, you should rank them based on the difficulty of the skill and the task. You should find the top skill of every position, and note what skill requires more experience or not. Your views could different about the job as you consider it an important element of the job.
Researching Industry Standards
You should determine the status data in your JA in order to ensure that you have ties with your employees and workforce. You should test the results by using the information provided by the company and the government literature. It is better if you make a comparison of your data and network with other companies.
Revising Job Description
After recognizing the most significant need qualification to perform the job, you should create a list of every job and skill. You should edit the current job description by using this information or write a new description based on a new analysis. It’s better if you develop criteria for every position based on your work observation and feedback from employees. Don’t forget to add the expectations that employees haven’t met, and it relevant to the professional guidelines of your research.
Using Data to Bring Changes
You should study the whole company and find whether the right employees are performing the right task. If a department is performing a task that is suitable to the other, you should assign it to the other. You would find that some departments have got more capabilities to handle different tasks. You should use the data of JA to transfer the job responsibilities relevant to the capability of every job.
Conclusion: What is Job Analysis in HRM? Importance, Components, Process
After an in-depth study of what is job analysis in HRM; its importance, its components, and the process of how to conduct it; we have realized that it’s very important to determine the details of the job. If you are planning to conduct it, you should follow the steps in the abovementioned process.

Ahsan Ali Shaw is an accomplished Business Writer, Analyst, and Public Speaker. Other than that, he’s a fun loving person.