Marketing and promotion inside the company are as equally important as marketing outside the company. It focuses on motivating employees to perform their duties and work efficiently. You should keep in mind promoting the mission and vision of your company to your employees. Today, we’ll discuss what is internal marketing; various elements of building and implementing it, benefits, and examples
What is Internal Marketing?
Internal marketing is the process of marketing and promoting of company’s products, services, brand, culture, purpose, objectives, mission, and vision to its employees and workforce. It also goes by the name of employee marketing. However, its objective is to promote the company’s vision to its employees to make them knowledgeable, spread brand awareness, and increase user engagement.
Internal marketing is necessary for the growth of your business just like any other form of advertisement and promotion. It is difficult for employees to focus on their job if they don’t know how much it is valuable to the company. Disconnected and disengaged employees would be an expensive liability to your business. Without internal marketing, it would be difficult for you to find and retain employees, and negatively impact various processes of your company.
You can always implement an internal marketing strategy in your company, and it is never too late. If you implement it deliberately and thoughtfully, your business and employees would take advantage of its benefits.
Elements of Internal Marketing
Some of the key elements that would help you in building and implementing an internal marketing strategy are as follows;
Building Efficient Team
First of all, you should develop a great marketing and advertisement team. It is important to keep in mind that the inner market is equally important as the outer market, and you should identify such people that would make your dream come true.
However, it is not sufficient if they’re aware of your brand; it is the responsibility of the company’s leaders to build and promote such a workplace culture where they can properly communicate your brand to others.
Analyzing Existing Strategy
Before implementing the new plan or making improvements to the old plan, it is significant that you’re aware of your existing inner market strategy. It is highly probable that you already inner market strategy without even knowing and realizing it. However, it isn’t a good plan to rely on the passive strategy. You should aware of your existing strategy and what type of impact they’re having on your company.
It is important to know the famous market trends in your industry and what type of strategies are working for them. The comparison offers you a deep insight into your business and how effective you are in your campaign. After that you can make changes in your plan; keep what is working for you and remove what isn’t working for you and your employees. You should feel free to experiment and try out new things.
Outer Market
Along with the inner analysis, you should also pay heed to the external market efforts, and know what types of strategies are working and what aren’t. You should recognize the existing market message, and make sure whether it is matching your inner company’s strategy or not. There should be an alignment between your inner and outer market messages. It develops a strong brand identity and allows your market efforts to work in collaboration.
When you send mixed and ambiguous messages to your potential customers and employees, it would jeopardize your company’s reputation. However, it means you’re losing the opportunity of sending the unified message of your company.
Promoting Employee Involvement
The process of inner marketing should collaborative and interactive by engaging everyone in it. You invite employees to participate in the show and let them know how much you value their involvement. Your support would mean that you’re developing engaging culture, and it would result in the form of innovation and creativity among your team members.
Every employee in your organization is a unique person and they all bring something unique and valuable to the table. They would give you such creative ideas that you haven’t thought of it before. Your frontline employees are better aware of the company’s situation and they know what’s going on.
Evaluating Strategy
Your work isn’t over after developing and implementing the inner marketing strategy. Along with evaluating the outer market strategy, you should also analyze your inner market strategies, whether they’re offering you the required result or not. You should rethink your strategy and implement it in a way that would deliver you better results.
Benefits of Internal Marketing
Some of the main benefits of internal marketing are as follows;
Higher Retention Rate
The inner market strategy would help you to lower the turnover rate, and help the company to retain its employees in the long term. When the company manages to retain its best employees, it would improve the company’s growth and productivity.
Hiring & Recruitment Process
The inner market strategy helps you in various processes like hiring and recruitment and you can attract the best-talented employees to your company due to collaborative workplace culture. It is because people would love to join the such organization, where the workplace culture is open.
In an open workplace culture, employees have sufficient authority to perform their job on their own without any interference. It allows them autonomy to deal with the clients in their own way and bring business to the company. Ultimately, it would improve the customer experience.
Spreading Awareness
The inner market strategy would allow you to spread brand awareness inside the company. When they’re better aware of your brand, they can present and defend it better outside the company. You should make sure that your inner and outer message is consistent.
Most importantly, it supports employees by informing them about their workplace efforts. They should if their job has a purpose and add specific value to the company.
Examples of Internal Marketing
- Online activities, social media profiles, and the company’s web platform
- Promotional activities and job listing
- Work-life balance, perks company benefits
- Development, learning, and training sessions
- Meetings, brainstorming, and workshops
Conclusion: What is Internal Marketing? Elements, Benefits, Examples
After an in-depth study of what is internal marketing; its various elements, benefits, and examples; we have realized that inner market strategy is highly effective for your company. If you’re developing its strategy, then you should keep in mind the abovementioned guidelines.

Ahsan Ali Shaw is an accomplished Business Writer, Analyst, and Public Speaker. Other than that, he’s a fun loving person.