Popular Community Bank is a financial and banking service-providing company. The bank started its operations in 1893; it also goes by the name of Banco Popular and Popular Bank. Today, we’ll discuss the SWOT analysis of Popular Community Bank; it outlines strengths and weaknesses; opportunities, and threats that the company has to face; as a business strategy analysis example company.
Products and services portfolio of Popular Community Bank
- Consumer Finance
- Asset-based lending
- Investment banking
- Stock brokerage
- Insurance
- Checking accounts
- Banking
Focused Areas of Popular Community Bank
- Insurance
- Financials
Statistical facts and figures of Popular Community Bank
- Annual revenue: 541.3 million USD (2023)
- Assets: 70.9million USD (2024)
- Employees: 9312
Competitors of Popular Community Bank
- TD Bank
- Goldman Sachs
- Wells Fargo Bank
- Capital One Bank
- PNC Bank
- Bank of America
- Tuist
- CitiBank
- JPMorgan Chase
The SWOT analysis of Popular Community Bank would analyze the internal strengths and weaknesses of the company; and external opportunities and threats that the brand has to face. Here’s Popular Community Bank SWOT analysis as a business strategy analysis example company as follows;
Strengths of Popular Community Bank
Some of the main internal strengths in the Popular Community Bank SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows;
Large Network
Banco Popular and Popular Bank have established a very large market network. The bank is operating its business in some states of the US, Central America, the Caribbean, and Puerto Rico; New Jersey, New York, Florida, Illinois, California, and the US Virgin Islands. It has allowed the company to serve a wide range of customers across the US and Puerto Rico.
Banco Popular or Popular Bank has established a very large financial service portfolio. It comprises services like consumer finances, insurance, investment banking, accounts checking, asset management, and others. Their large and diversified portfolio helps the bank to decrease the risk factor and target various segments of customers at once.
Strong Finances
Banco Popular or Popular Bank has assets net worth of 70.09 million USD in 2024. It is a significant amount of capital assets for a small and medium-sized bank; it helps the financial service-providing firm to take on various types of new projects and strengthen its position in the market.
Banco Popular or Popular Bank has earned a significant amount of popularity in the financial market due to offering e-loans to customers.
Recognized Brand
Banco Popular or Popular Bank has been operating its business in Puerto Rico for the past over 125 years and in the US for the past 52 years. The strong legacy and experience factor helps the financial service-providing bank to earn the trust and confidence of customers.
Banco Popular or Popular Bank is a community-based bank that focuses on serving the local community by offering them additional services; creating employment opportunities for the locals, building relationships with customers, and giving priority to the locals.
Weaknesses of Popular Community Bank
Some of the main internal weaknesses in the Popular Community Bank SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows;
Low Market Share
Banco Popular or Popular Bank has a limited market share as compared to other competitive banks and financial service-providing firms. Heavy reliance on a few markets is not a good business and market strategy for the brand.
Limited Capital
Banco Popular or Popular Bank also has limited capital funding in terms of asset net worth, revenue, and net income. It limits the financial service-providing firm’s capability to let go of various potential growth opportunities.
Opportunities for Popular Community Bank
Some of the main available opportunities in the Popular Community Bank SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows;
Market Expansion
Banco Popular or Popular Bank should expand its business and market into new regions, countries, and markets across the world. It would help the company to increase its network, growth, influence, and market reach by entering new geographical regions and markets.
Portfolio Expansion
Along with market expansion, Banco Popular or Popular Bank should also expand its portfolio by launching new financial services for the customers. It would help the bank to target new segments of the customer market with new financial services.
Strategic Alliance
Banco Popular or Popular Bank should develop strategic alliances with other competitive financial service-providing firms and banks. The joint venture and sharing of capital resources would help the bank amplify its market reach, network, and profitability.
Threats to Popular Community Bank
Some of the main potential threats in the Popular Community Bank SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows;
Banco Popular or Popular Bank should comply with the banking and financial regulations of the central and federal banks of the country. Non-compliance would inhibit the company’s operations along with other restrictions and fines.
Banco Popular or Popular Bank is facing tough competition from competitive brands like JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, CitiBank, and others. They all have established a strong market share and a very loyal database of customers; their market presence is negatively impacting the growth rate of the firm.
Conclusion: Popular Community Bank SWOT Analysis Example Company |SWOT Analysis of Popular Community Bank |Business Strategy Analysis
After an in-depth study of the swot analysis of Popular Community Bank; we have realized that Banco Popular or Popular Bank is the leading Puerto Rican bank. If you are learning about Popular Community Bank SWOT analysis example company; then you should keep in mind the abovementioned internal strengths and weaknesses; external opportunities and threats as brand strategy analysis.

Ahsan Ali Shaw is an accomplished Business Writer, Analyst, and Public Speaker. Other than that, he’s a fun loving person.