Dollar Shave Club is a personal grooming, razor, and consumer goods manufacturing American multinational company. Mark Levine and Michael Dubin founded the company in 2011. Today, we’ll discuss the SWOT analysis of Dollar Shave Club; it outlines strengths and weaknesses; opportunities and threats that the company has to face; as a business strategy analysis example company.
Products and services portfolio of Dollar Shave Club
- Razor
- Personal grooming items
- Steel razor blade
- Shave butter
- Club series diamond grip handle
- Antiperspirant
- Deodorants
- Prep scrub
Parent Company of Dollar Shave Club
- Unilever
Statistical facts and figures of Dollar Shave Club
- Annual revenue: 75 million USD (2024)
- Network: 5countries and markets
Competitors of Dollar Shave Club
- Billie
- Harry’s
- OUI the People
- Gillette
- The Michael Rubino
- Bombfell
- Beardo
- Walker & Company
- Home Shave Club
- Trunk Club
- Mornin’ Glory
- Lookcraft
The SWOT analysis of Dollar Shave Club would analyze the internal strengths and weaknesses of the company; and external opportunities and threats that the brand has to face. Here’s Dollar Shave Club SWOT analysis as a business strategy analysis example company as follows;
Strengths of Dollar Shave Club
Some of the main internal strengths in the Dollar Shave Club SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows;
Dollar Shave Club has established a very large and niche-focused product and service portfolio. It comprises a wide range of personal grooming products and items like antiperspirants, antifeedants, grip handles, razors, shave butter, and others. A large niche-focused product portfolio would help the company to serve a wide range of customers with diverse needs and demands.
Large Network
Dollar Shave Club has established a very large market network in a short time. According to an estimate, Dollar Shave Club is operating its business in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, and others. The large market network helps the company to serve a wide range of customers.
Dollar Shave Club is highly proactive in running various types of marketing and advertisement campaigns for the promotion of its products and goods. Some of the marketing slogans of the company are as follows;
- Let’s Talk About #2
- Best out-of-nowhere video campaign
- Out Blades are F***ing Great
Philanthropic Activities
Dollar Shave Club donates a significant amount of capital resources to charities, social welfare projects, and philanthropic activities. The philanthropic activities show the company’s strong commitment to the local community and the social welfare initiatives by investing it back into the community.
Delivery Service
Dollar Shave Club has a strong online presence and is proactive over social media platforms. The company provides the home delivery service to the members who want the home delivery service.
Weaknesses of Dollar Shave Club
Some of the main internal weaknesses in the Dollar Shave Club SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows;
Limited Portfolio
Dollar Shave Club has a limited product portfolio, and the company only offers personal grooming products and services to customers. The limited product portfolio limits the company’s capabilities of exploiting the marketing opportunities. High reliance on one category of products and goods is not a good business and marketing strategy for the company.
Stressful Working Environment
The workplace environment of Dollar Shave Club is highly stressful for the company’s employees and workers. As a result, the company has a lower employee retention ratio; they would leave the company as soon as they find a better opportunity.
Opportunities for Dollar Shave Club
Some of the main available opportunities in the Dollar Shave Club SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows;
Market Expansion
Dollar Shave Club should expand its personal grooming products business into new regions, countries, and markets across the world. The global market holds great growth potential for personal grooming products and goods; it allows the company to amplify its network and sales.
Portfolio Expansion
Along with market expansion, Dollar Shave Club should expand its product portfolio by launching new product lines for customers like personal care and others. It allows the company to target new segments of the customer market and increase its sales.
Strategic Alliance
Dollar Shave Club should develop a strategic alliances and partnerships with other personal grooming brands and companies. The joint venture and collaboration of resources would lead to the development of new products for customers.
Threats to Dollar Shave Club
Some of the main potential threats in the Dollar Shave Club SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows;
Dollar Shave Club is facing tough competition from competitive brands like Gillette, Billie, and Harry’s. They all have established a strong market share in the personal care products manufacturing business market; their market presence is negatively impacting the sales of the company.
Dollar Shave Club should comply with the regulations of maintaining safe working for employees and workers. It allows the company to avoid potential lawsuits and high fines.
Conclusion: Dollar Shave Club SWOT Analysis Example Company |SWOT Analysis of Dollar Shave Club |Business Strategy Analysis
After an in-depth study of the swot analysis of Dollar Shave Club; we have realized that Dollar Shave Club is the world’s leading personal grooming brand. If you are learning about Dollar Shave Club SWOT analysis example company; then you should keep in mind the abovementioned internal strengths and weaknesses; external opportunities and threats as brand strategy analysis.

Ahsan Ali Shaw is an accomplished Business Writer, Analyst, and Public Speaker. Other than that, he’s a fun loving person.