Author: Ahsan Ali Shaw
Products lines play a significant role for companies that want to develop a connection with customers by offering a variety of products to meet their needs. Once customers are …
The traditional market mix explains very well different elements of traditional businesses and companies. The online world and digital technologies have paved the way for modern business, and they …
Developing the right product isn’t enough to reach the company’s goals and objectives; that’s where you need marketing and promotion of your offers. Today, we’ll discuss what is promotional …
A product is such an item that businesses and companies produce to satisfy the needs and wants of customers. It is the main element that companies offer for sale …
No one denies the significance of marketing segmentations and it does offer a lot of benefits like; niche-focused, high profitability, reallocation of budget, and higher customer engagement. Today, we’ll …
The consumer market is very large and diverse comprising so many variables; it is nearly impossible for a business to target every part of the whole market. Segmenting the …
If you have created the product or service, it’s the first step of launching the business. Next, you have to advertise your offer, educate your target customers about your …
Businesses and companies are using various branding strategies to attract the attention of target customers. Building a corporate identity is an important element of launching a marketing and advertisement …
We have passed the age of attracting customers through outbound marketing and promotional ads. In fact, they don’t like the traditional advertisement format. They want to experience and connect …
Effective branding helps businesses and companies to amplify the customer satisfaction level and approach new potential customers. The process of brands analysis helps you to refine and review your …