Brands colors comprise of unique color scheme to represent the personality of the company and creative identity. A unique combination of brands colors scheme would amplify the effectiveness of the company in terms of awareness and recognition the company. Today, we’ll discuss what is brand color; its importance, its types, how to choose it, and examples.
Before the face representation of the brand ambassador, brands colors were used to represent the company. Businesses and companies would select such colors scheme that would attract the attention of their target customer’s market.
What is Brand Color?
Brand color outlines the unique color combination and palettes that are relevant and appropriate to the personality and style of the brand. Companies use it to show the visual identity of their brands. However, they select the particular color combination by keeping in mind their target customer’s market. It is because every color combination sends a different message.
According to an estimate, approximately 85% of the customers think that the colors of the product play a significant role when choosing it for purchase. Additionally, 92% of the customers think that visual identity is the most luring marketing factor.
Importance of Brand Color
Businesses and companies spend a lot of time choosing the right color scheme for their brands. The brands color is important due to some of the main reasons;
High Sale
The right colors help companies to amplify their awareness and exposure in various cases. Many research studies have shown that brands colors influence the decision-making process of customers. Resultantly, the sale has increased to a great extent. It impacts the presence of businesses both in the traditional market and the social media platforms as well.
Expressing the Brand
The brands colors have the capability to express your brand much better than the verbal description of an individual. The colors scheme generates emotions among customers and it develops nonverbal communication between the brands and the customers. You can employ colors for the branding of your business.
Psychology Relation
The target customers of the company are human and they make decisions based on their psychological influences. Psychologically speaking, brands colors help them in attracting the attention of customers. Various types of colors scheme develop different emotions among customers, and it amplifies the credibility of the company.
Types of Brand Color
Some of the main types of brand colors are as follows;
Primary Brand Color
It’s the main colors scheme that every brands employ for visual identity and appeal, and they are the key elements of the company. For instance, red is the primary brands colors of Coca-Cola.
Secondary Brand Color
Secondary colors are complementary to the primary colors of the company. They keep on changing according to the company’s goals, trends, and strategy.
Different Brands Colors
Some of the top 10 brand colors and what they mean are as follows;
It implies love or hatred towards someone or something. When people are angry and passionate, they turn red. However, when you love someone, then you give them red roses. Brands like YouTube, Honda, Lego, Mcdonald’s, and Honda all have used red colors.
It is the opponent and arch-enemy of red, and it is a very common color that many brands use it. AOL, WordPress, PayPal, Dell, IBM, and Facebook are some of the top brands that are using the blue. However, it implies tech products and services, productivity, efficiency, and security.
It implies the reduction of pollution, efficient utilization of natural resources, and conservation of energy. It represents renewable energy, freshness, and cleanliness. However, Android, Starbucks, Subways, Lacoste, and many other agricultural and organic brands are using green.
The brands that focus on adventure and fun activities employ orange. Some top brands that are using orange are JBL, Harley Davidson, Grand Theft Auto, and Fanta.
Yellow implies a sun that focuses on cheeriness and warmth. Often companies use yellow in the background as an additional color different from the logo.
It implies comfort, care, and softness. It’s a very common color in the personal care and cosmetic industry. However, pink is the color for girls and blue is for boys. Some brands like Dunkin Donuts and Taco Bell are using pink.
It’s the predominant color in branding and it implies regularity and strength. Companies usually use black font and background of other colors. However, the black and white combination and black and golden combination give the elegant look.
It’s a widely used background color and it implies elegance. Apple and Nike are the most respected brands and they both use the white color.
It’s a very common color in the luxury and cosmetic industry; and it symbolizes premium, wealth, and nobility. Purple allows premium brands to differentiate themselves from their competitors. For instance,, Hallmark cards, Yahoo, Cadbury, and FedEx are some top brands that use purple.
Brown implies dependability, honesty, and earthiness. It is a common color, but some brands in the food industry are employing brown. However, some of the main brands that are using brown colors are M&Ms and UPS.
How to Choose Brand Color
Choosing the right colors scheme for your brands is a difficult task. Some of the main things that you should keep in mind are as follows;
Brands Personality
The focus of businesses and companies should be on explaining the main areas of their brands. You should carefully study the strength and message of the brands before associating any color with them. The type of perception and image you want to create in the minds of customers would help you to finalize your brands colors.
If you’re employing such colors scheme that doesn’t match your company’s personality, it would be a huge mistake and turn out disastrous. If you choose the right colors, then it would become much easier for you to manage other things.
Research Competitors
When we talk about marketing, promotion, and branding; differentiation is the key attract the attention of customers. Therefore, it’s significant to analyze your competitors in order to avoid confrontation. You should study the colors scheme psychology employed by competitors before coming up with your own.
Select the Core Colors
After analyzing the traits of your company, you should select the most suitable and appropriate colors for your company. Brands employ various colors for different purposes, but there should be the core underlying colors outlining the company’s message.
When you integrate the primary colors with any of the neutral colors, it would amplify the effectiveness. The primary colors should be yellow, blue, and red.
Choose Secondary Colors
Along with the primary color, there should be secondary colors. When it comes to selecting the secondary color, you should keep in mind the core values of your company. The secondary colors should complement the primary colors scheme.
Develop Color Palette
You should develop a colors palette out of your logo colors. It’s better to share with different team members in order to maintain transparency.
Examples of Brand Color
Some of the top examples of companies using the successful brand color are as follows;
Green and black colors come to mind when we speak of Starbucks. The right colors of logo send the message of freshness and attract them to its cafes. The company employed the green color as a primary color and combined it with a neutral color to amplify its effectiveness.
Instagram is a platform for youth and energetic audience, and the colors scheme of the platform send the same vibrancy. The logo colors scheme of Instagram consists of gradient hues of different colors from yellow and blue, along with shades of orange, purple, and pink.
Conclusion: What is Brand Color? How to Choose It, Examples
After an in-depth study of what is brand color; its importance, types, how to choose it, and examples; we have realized that brands colors are highly important for companies. If you’re selecting it for your company, then keep in mind the abovementioned guidelines and tips.

Ahsan Ali Shaw is an accomplished Business Writer, Analyst, and Public Speaker. Other than that, he’s a fun loving person.