SWOT Analysis of Booster Juice 

Booster Juice is a smoothie bar and juice-providing Canadian company. The smoothie bar and juice-providing company started its business in 1999. Today, we’ll discuss the SWOT analysis of Booster Juice; it outlines strengths and weaknesses; opportunities, and threats that the company has to face; as a business strategy analysis example company. 

Products and services portfolio of Booster Juice 

  • Ice 
  • Fresh yogurt
  • Frozen fruit
  • Vanilla frozen yogurt
  • Fruit sorbet
  • Pure juice 

Industry-Focused Area of Booster Juice

  • Beverages and Restaurant 

Statistical facts and figures of Booster Juice 

  • Network: 580location points 
  • Market: 13countries 
  • Annual revenue: 297.6million USD 

Competitors of Booster Juice 

  • The Famous Juices 
  • Doki Doki
  • Green Central 
  • Star Drink
  • The Raw Place 
  • Go Organic 
  • TIPO
  • Coca-Cola
  • Newest
  • Second Cup
  • Alpina
  • AI Rawabi 

The SWOT analysis of Booster Juice would analyze the internal strengths and weaknesses of the company; and external opportunities and threats that the brand has to face. Here’s Booster Juice SWOT analysis as a business strategy analysis example company as follows; 

Strengths of Booster Juice 

Some of the main internal strengths in the Booster Juice SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows; 

Large Network 

Booster Juice has established a very large network of over 580 fresh fruits and juice stores in 15 countries across the world. The large network of chain stores in different countries amplifies the customer market reach and brand influence of the company. 

Unique Offering 

Booster Juice is a unique store of its type and it offers unique and innovative products to the customers. They range from frozen fruits, yogurt, ice cream, smoothie bars, and a wide variety of juices and drinks. However, the large and diverse product portfolio helps the company to serve different types of customers with multiple needs and requirements. 

Franchising System

Booster Juice implements the franchising business model by issuing franchisee licenses to various stores in different countries across the world. They would use the company’s brand name and the parent company would charge a particular amount of fee from the franchisee license holders. 

Recognized Brand Name

Booster Juice has established a unique brand name and brand positioning due to its large network and market influence. It helps the company to earn the trust and confidence of new potential customers and retain the existing ones.


Booster Juice is highly proactive in running various types of marketing and advertisement campaigns for the promotion of its brand and products. The retail chain brand employs various media channels to approach the targeted customers and increase its sales. 

Weaknesses of Booster Juice 

Some of the main internal weaknesses in the Booster Juice SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows; 

Seasonal Sale Drops 

The Frozen fruits, juices, ice, and other products are highly charming and attractive in the summer. But their sales and revenue drop significantly during the winter season. However, seasonal product offerings are jeopardizing the company’s sales and growth rate. 

Limited Market Share

Booster Juice has a limited market share as compared to its other indirect competitive brands like Pepsi and Coca-Cola. The limited market share is negatively impacting the company’s growth and sales. However, relying on a few markets is not a good marketing and business strategy for a retail chain brand. 

High Marketing Expense

Many marketing experts have pointed out that Booster Juice is heavily relying on marketing and advertisement campaigns to approach the end customers and increase the conversion rate. High marketing expenses are decreasing the company’s revenue and profitability. 

Opportunities for Booster Juice 

Some of the main available opportunities in the Booster Juice SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows; 

Market Expansion 

Booster Juice should consider expanding its business in the Asian, Chinese, Indian, Middle Eastern, and African markets. The emerging markets hold great growth potential and expanding frozen fruits and juice business in those markets would multiply the company’s revenue, network, and profitability. 

Portfolio Expansion 

Booster Juice should expand its product portfolio by launching products, beverages, and snacks for the winter season. It would help the company to stabilize its market share, revenue, and profitability throughout the year. 

Threats to Booster Juice 

Some of the main potential threats in the Booster Juice SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows; 

Expensive Raw Material 

The price of raw fruits and other raw supplies keeps on changing throughout the seasons. Various local, national, political, and international factors impact the prices of raw supplies and materials. Expenses on raw materials would impact retail prices, and customers don’t like fluctuating pricing. 

Currency Exchange Difference 

Booster Juice has to procure fruits and other raw supplies from various countries across the world. A small change in currency exchange would disrupt the overall revenue and profitability of the company. 

Conclusion: Booster Juice SWOT Analysis Example Company |SWOT Analysis of Booster Juice |Business Strategy Analysis 

After an in-depth study of the swot analysis of Booster Juice; we have realized that Booster Juice is the world’s leading juices and smoothie bar manufacturing company. If you are learning about Booster Juice SWOT analysis example company; then you should keep in mind the abovementioned internal strengths and weaknesses; external opportunities and threats as brand strategy analysis. 

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