SWOT Analysis of Beyond Meat 

Beyond Meat is a plant-based meat substitute nutrition American company. The company started its plant-based meat substitute business in 2009. Today, we’ll discuss the SWOT analysis of Beyond Meat; it outlines strengths and weaknesses; opportunities, and threats that the company has to face; as a business strategy analysis example company. 

Products and services portfolio of Beyond Meat 

  • Mince Beyond
  • Jerky Beyond Meat
  • Meatballs Beyond Meat
  • Sausages Beyond 
  • Burger Beyond 
  • Chicken Stripes 

Industry Area of Beyond Meat

  • Food Processing 

Statistical facts and figures of Beyond Meat 

  • Annual revenue: 418.9million USD (2022)
  • Net income and loss: -366.1million USD 
  • Employees: 1500 

Competitors of Beyond Meat 

  • Impossible Foods 
  • Perfect Day 
  • Hungry Planet
  • Next Level Burger
  • Sovos Brands 
  • Hormel Foods 
  • Eats Just
  • Nestle 

The SWOT analysis of Beyond Meat would analyze the internal strengths and weaknesses of the company; and the external opportunities and threats that the brand has to face. Here’s Beyond Meat SWOT analysis as a business strategy analysis example company as follows; 

Strengths of Beyond Meat 

Some of the main internal strengths in the Beyond Meat SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows; 

Large Market 

Beyond Meat has established a significant portion of the customer market in a very short time. According to an estimate, the company is running its plant-based meat substitute operations in the US, North America, and the UK’s market. 

Organic Products

Beyond Meat employs organic raw ingredients like soy, beans, peas, sunflower, pomegranate powder, coconut oil, and others for the production of plant-based meat substitutes. These all elements and ingredients have a strong nutritional value and they offer a great healthy food option to vegan customers.  

Substitute of Meat

Beyond Meat offers a great substitute and replacement for pork, meat, mutton, and chicken to vegan and meat-loving customers. They provide the same nutrients and dietary benefits as meat without sacrificing animals. In fact, it is more sustainable to feed the massive growing consumer market. 

Alliance & Partnerships 

Beyond Meat is partnering up with the world’s leading fast-food retail chain brands like Taco Bell, McDonald’s, and KFC. These retail chain brands have a great influence on the global fast-food market. It allows the company to amplify its customer market share, revenue, network, and profit.

Research & Innovation 

Beyond Meat invests a significant amount of capital resources on research for the development of plant-based meat substitute food options for customers. It shows the company’s strong commitment to food and environmental sustainability. As a result, the company has earned the respect, trust, and confidence of the vegan and eco-friendly customer market. 

Weaknesses of Beyond Meat 

Some of the main internal weaknesses in the Beyond Meat SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows; 

Limited Market Share

Beyond Meat has a limited market share as compared to its competitors. It led the plant-based food company to have lower sales, growth rate, revenue, and profitability. However, it is causing net losses to the company and not keeping up with its expenses. 

Limited Food Variety 

Beyond Meat offers a limited variety of plant-based meat substitute food product items to customers. The thing about the customer market is that they want variety in their food menu; a few items bore them and they would switch to other food alternative options. 

Tech Infrastructure Limitation 

In order to launch its operations at the mass scale and the global level; Beyond Meat has a limited tech infrastructure for the production of plant-based meat alternative food. Limited tech infrastructure is the main hurdle to the growth and profitability of the company. 

Opportunities for Beyond Meat 

Some of the main available opportunities in the Beyond Meat SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows; 

Market Expansion 

Beyond Meat should expand its business in the global and international markets. The vegan and eco-friendly customer market is growing in various countries and regions across the world. It would help the company to increase its customer market share worldwide. 

Product Portfolio Expansion 

Beyond Meat should increase its plant-based meat alternative food menu. The customer’s market wants variety in their food menu, and offering new tasty food items would help the company retain the existing customer market share and attract new ones. 

Research & Innovation 

Beyond Meat should invest a significant amount of capital resources in research and development. It allows the company to find efficient methods of production, develop new tastes for the customers, and improve the overall shopping experience. 

Strategic Alliance 

Beyond Meat should develop strategic alliances with other tech businesses and food companies. It allows the company to manage the financial losses and tech limitations that the company is currently facing. 

Threats to Beyond Meat 

Some of the main potential threats in the Beyond Meat SWOT analysis example company as business strategy analysis are as follows; 


The food industry has become highly competitive over the years. Beyond Meat is facing tough competition from various competitors both the plant-based food companies and the fast-food chain brands. It has become highly difficult for the brand to maintain its market share in the presence of tough competition. 

Food Regulations 

Beyond Meat has to comply with the regulatory requirements of the health and food and safety department. They pose a significant challenge to the company because legal compliance increases the operational cost and the company can’t increase the retail price to a certain limit. 

Conclusion: Beyond Meat SWOT Analysis Example Company |SWOT Analysis of Beyond Meat |Business Strategy Analysis 

After an in-depth study of the swot analysis of Beyond Meat; we have realized that Beyond Meat is the world’s leading plant-based meat alternative food brand. If you are learning about the Beyond Meat SWOT analysis example company; then you should keep in mind the abovementioned internal strengths and weaknesses; external opportunities and threats as brand strategy analysis. 

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