Banks are financial institutions and they accept deposits from the general public and offer loans to the people. They either perform the lending activities directly or indirectly through the …
British Heart Foundation (BHF) is the UK’s cardiovascular charity research center. The charity organization focuses on funding the research project on circulatory diseases and heart issues along with spreading …
Retail is the process of selling products and goods to end consumers. The retailers procure products and goods from the manufacturers and producers. According to an estimate, the market …
Amazon Prime Video is a subscription-based video-streaming American multinational company and platform. The company offers services like video rental, live sporting events, content ad ons, Amazon Original, and distribution …
Snack Food often contains less than 200 calories and they’re consumed and eaten between meals. There are various forms of snacks ranging from packaged food, processed items, nuts, sandwiches, …
Call Center focuses on receiving and transmitting a mass volume of inquiries through telephonic calls. Inbound call centers are for customer support to answer customer inquiries. On the other …
Skin Care products focus on relieving skin conditions, improving appearance, and supporting skin integrity. It comprises employing an appropriate amount of emollients, avoiding high exposure to the sun, and …
The Railway Industry outlines railways and trains as the medium of transport comprising wheeled vehicles running on a specific track. Railway is the 2nd mode of transport on land …
The online education industry outlines the method and process of teaching and learning through technological tools and equipment like TV, internet, video conferencing, and others. Online education also goes …
Pet Food is the feed for animals focusing on the consumption of pets. Usually, it focuses on specific types of pets like cat food, dog food, and others. The …