It is simple for a single product offering company to market and advertise its products. If the company is offering more products like two, three, or four; the advertisement becomes much easier for marketers because they have to concentrate on more goods and services. Today, we’ll discuss what is catalog marketing; its various types, advantages, disadvantages, and examples.
If the company is offering different types of various products like a workshop selling a wide variety of spare parts. However, it is very difficult the run separate advertisements for different types of products. If they do, it requires them to allocate a significant amount of marketing budget; that’s where the role of catalog marketing comes into play.
What is Catalog Marketing?
Catalog marketing is a form of advertisement and sale approach that allows you to sell products and services through the catalogue. Companies create a list of products offered and publish it online or in the paper with the hopes and expectations that the customers would choose and buy products from the catalog.
How Catalogue Marketing Works
The catalog-providing company mentions its contact information like physical address, cell number, or email on the catalog. The recipient of the catalogue places its order based on the mentioned contact information detail. However, the catalogue market approach works in two ways;
- Sellers invite customers to directly buy it from them by offering their catalogue available to them
- Catalogue marketers play the role of the middle person between the customers and the manufacturers
Growth of Catalogue marketing
The catalogue market approach offers a vast variety of options to the customers to make a choice; customers have got a more open attitude towards it. Sales have been increasing for the catalogue market approach due to the changing preferences of the customers. However, the catalogue market approach has achieved significant growth because it is a cost-efficient approach compared to personal sales.
In other words, you can say catalog marketing is a form of direct marketing. Here, businesses and companies have got the option to directly approach their target customers. It helps them to target their customers in a better way and it has got a higher customer acceptance rate.
Types of Catalog Marketing
Some of the main types of catalog marketing are as follows;
Online Catalogues
The online catalogue has got digital categories, other than that it is the same as the printing catalogues. Here, the marketers and producers of catalogues employ online platforms to make their catalogues available to customers. The online catalogue is the latest development in catalogue marketing, and it offers a lot of benefits to customers and sellers;
- Customers have got the option to purchase their favorite products immediately
- Sellers could easily update their contact information in the online format
- Cost efficient method for the sellers and saves mailing and printing cost
e-commerce platforms and online stores like Amazon, Etsy, Flipkart, and others are great examples of the online catalogue. After checking various items in the online catalogue, customers have got the option to place their order.
Multiple Catalogues Companies
As the name implies, multiple companies catalogue is when you offer products of different companies in your catalogue. It is a very beneficial approach for companies that are offering a few products, and it comprises various intermediaries. However, it allows businesses and companies to lower their marketing and advertisement costs.
Intermediaries and retailers share their catalogues with the target customer market. However, customers love the multiple company’s catalogue, because it offers various options like the same product from different sellers.
Printing Catalogues
A print catalogue is a form that employs a distribution method for its operations. It comes in the form of a paper cover containing the description, price range, product image, ordering method, and contact details. However, it may feature one type of product or different types of products. Some marketers and companies attach the postal envelope and order form along with the catalogue.
It is a bit costly sales and marketing approach; because you have to allocate a significant amount of money for printing and distribution of the catalogues. The printed catalogue may seem a classic and old approach, but it is still useful for different types of products.
Single Catalogues Companies
A single company catalogue is a type when businesses and companies produce multiple products. It is a very common approach among companies in the cosmetic industry, kitchen accessories, jewelry, footwear, apparel, sports, and health products. However, marketers present their catalogue of relevant products in such a way that the customers could place their orders for multiple products.
Advantages of Catalog Marketing
Some of the main advantages of catalog marketing are as follows;
- Buyers could easily check out the specifications, prices, and features of the product before making the purchase decision
- Companies have got the option to target particular types of customers
- Much a safe option for the security of the funds; here customers would pay you in advance and you don’t have to worry about your stuck investment
- It allows companies to target their customers on their doorsteps and you don’t have to wait for them
- ROI is higher in the catalog market approach; studies have shown that; it converts roundabout 8 of every 10 buyers
- High cost-efficient approach; if a company doesn’t have its catalogue, it can add the products of other companies
- Customers accept the catalogue as a trusted and valid source of information
Disadvantages of Catalog Marketing
Some of the key disadvantages of catalogue marketing are as follows;
- It is not a suitable approach for such customers that want the brick-and-mortar store experience before the shopping
- In order to make catalogue marketing work, it requires an excellent copywriting skill
- Doesn’t work in the highly competitive market, because a bad presentation could damage your reputation
- Winning the trust and confidence of customers, takes time
Examples of Catalog Marketing
Avon is a cosmetic brand that offers a wide variety of products and services to its customers. The company is successfully employing the concept of a catalogue market approach. However, some of the other online platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, Alibaba, and others are using catalogue marketing.
Conclusion: What is Catalog Marketing? Types, Pros & Cons, Examples
After an in-depth study of what is catalog marketing; its various types, advantages, disadvantages, and examples; we have realized that catalogue market approach could be highly useful for your business. If you’re planning to implement this strategy, then you should keep in mind the abovementioned tips and guidelines.

Ahsan Ali Shaw is an accomplished Business Writer, Analyst, and Public Speaker. Other than that, he’s a fun loving person.