Deloitte is a professional service-providing British multinational company. William Welch Deloitte founded the service-providing firm in 1845. The service-providing company operates in approximately 150 countries across the globe. Today, we’ll discuss the PESTLE analysis of Deloitte; it focuses on external environmental factors like; political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors.
Political Factors Impacting Deloitte
Some of the main political factors in the Deloitte PESTLE analysis are as follows;
I-Brexit Deal
Deloitte is a British professional service-providing firm. After Britain had entered Europe, things weren’t the same for businesses and companies. The professional service company Deloitte can’t easily and freely conduct its operations and serve clients across Europe. The brand has to face various types of trade and tax laws and other regulatory restrictions. As a result, it jeopardized the company’s operations to a great extent.
II-Government Policies
Deloitte is operating its business in approximately 150 countries across the globe. The professional service-providing firm should comply with the government laws and policies of different countries. For instance, when any nationalistic or dictatorial regime comes into power; it makes it difficult for foreign companies and service-providing firms to perform their operations.
Economic Factors Affecting Deloitte
Some of the main economic factors in the Deloitte PESTLE analysis are as follows;
I-High Profitable
Deloitte earned annual revenue of approximately 65 billion USD in 2023. The service-providing brand has established a very large network and offers a wide range of services to customers. It helps the company to take on various new growth and expansion and amplifies its network and sales.
II-Currency Exchange Rate
A significant of Deloitte’s sales and revenue comes from foreign countries and is then converted back into the British pound. The currency exchange rate market keeps on fluctuating relevant to the USD and the British pound. However, it is significant to mention here that the British Pound currency has a higher value than other currencies; it significantly decreases the company’s profitability after conversion.
III-Economic Recession
The global economy has been going through this phase for the past few years. Businesses and companies are limiting their spending and avoiding hiring external service-providing firms like Deloitte under normal circumstances. Such factors have made it difficult for the brand to maintain its network, sales, and profitability.
Social Factors Impacting Deloitte
Some of the main social factors in the Deloitte PESTEL analysis are as follows;
I-Changing Trends
The consumer and business market trends have changed significantly over the years. Instead of keeping and maintaining a separate department inside the organization; businesses are nowadays hiring external service-providing firms to do their dirty work. Since they have professional expertise and access to greater resources, they could clean their record quickly and efficiently.
II-Negative Association
Usually, professional service-providing firms have a negative brand association due to various factors like negative media publicity and criminal roles in the movies. Deloitte should be aware of the changing customer market trends and negative media brand image. It may attract a new potential client or push away the client due to media talk.
Technological Factors Affecting Deloitte
Some of the main technological factors in the Deloitte PESTEL analysis are as follows;
I-Advanced Technology
Deloitte invests a significant amount of capital resources in research and technological development. It helps the company to increase its competitiveness, and access to the latest and updated tools, software, and application. In fact, the company develops new and fully customized tools and resources to address any type of products and issues that the clients are facing.
II-Blockchain Technology
Blockchain technology and the digital payment system are a game changer for professional service-providing firms. Deloitte deals with a lot of clients who want to keep their identity hidden and they want to pay the money secretly without disclosing their identity. It would help the company to receive payments from the clients.
Legal Factors Impacting Deloitte
Some of the main legal factors in the Deloitte PESTEL analysis are as follows;
I-Legal controversies
Deloitte has been engaged in various types of lawsuits, litigations, and other services. They are like espionage, bribery, and corruption charges against the professional service-providing firm. That’s why many foreign governments and countries don’t allow service-providing firms to run their business in the country.
II-Compliance with Law
Deloitte should comply with government laws and regulations of different countries. The non-compliance wouldn’t only bring expensive lawsuits and heavy fines and duties, but they jeopardize the brand reputation and image in the market.
Environmental Factors Affecting Deloitte
Some of the main environmental factors in the Deloitte PESTEL analysis are as follows;
I-Environmental Sustainability
Deloitte should comply with the growing environmental sustainability trends. They comprise of using renewable sources of energy to decrease the carbon emissions and negative impact on the environment. As a result, it helps the company to attract potential eco-friendly clients.
Conclusion: Deloitte PESTLE Analysis |PESTEL Analysis of Deloitte |External Environmental Analysis of Deloitte | Strategic Analysis of Deloitte
After an in-depth study of the pestle analysis of Deloitte; we have realized that Deloitte is the world’s leading professional service-providing firm. If you are learning about the Deloitte PESTLE analysis; then you should keep in mind the abovementioned external environmental factors like; political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental.

Ahsan Ali Shaw is an accomplished Business Writer, Analyst, and Public Speaker. Other than that, he’s a fun loving person.